Consigli per dormire bene
Jun 24, 2024

Tips and exercises to do before bedtime to reconcile good sleep

Nowadays more and more people arrive at night exhausted and overloaded with thoughts and worries. It should come as no surprise, then, that many people have trouble getting a good night's sleep.

When you are under stress and tense, you generally struggle to achieve the relaxation necessary for falling asleep, so you are likely to have very restless nights. However, there is a strategy that helps clear your mind and relax your body: practicing targeted exercises after dinner.

To sleep well, both qualitatively and quantitatively, it is necessary for the mind to be clear of thoughts and worries and for the body to be relaxed. Otherwise, it is difficult to be able to fall asleep and have a peaceful night without even an awakening. Therefore, when one realizes that he or she is particularly overloaded, it is important to take corrective action.

It can be very useful to do a quick and gentle but focused workout, including on the one hand exercises that conciliate sleep and on the other hand exercises that are able to raise the heart rate slightly.

Raising this parameter, in fact, promotes the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones: this can help you fall asleep more easily and quickly.

Yoga to release tension

Before slipping into bed, some super soft yoga exercises are definitely useful: forbidden, in fact, to perform positions that require a lot of physical exertion, which would even be counterproductive... Let's start by releasing the tensions accumulated during the day that has just ended.

Sit on the bed with crossed legs, place your right hand on your left knee and the other behind you on the mattress to support yourself in a well upright and stable position. Inhale and rotate your torso to the left, stretching your back well.

Exhale. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat the exercise on the other side. Perform at least a dozen, but always very gently.

Practicing targeted exercises before bedtime is an effective strategy for improving sleep quality. Integrating a soft yoga routine and gentle movements will help achieve a state of deep relaxation. Remember to listen to your body and perform each exercise calmly and gently. With a little practice, these techniques can become a powerful ally in fighting insomnia and ensuring you have peaceful and restful nights. Have a good sleep!

Dreamly: a brand by Elettroidea & MEF

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Elettroidea s.r.l.

Via dell’industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650

MEF s.r.l.

Via dell’industria, 35
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650