Life belongs to those who sleep well
The human species' distinctive standing posture has resulted in a particular "S" shaped conformation of the spine. Optimal for movement when upright, this specific conformation can also lead to painful conditions such as low back pain, lumbar and cervical arthrosis, herniated discs etc.
To prevent the occurrence of them, it's essential to have a mattress which allows the spine to maintain, when lying down, a position identical to the one we assume when standing.
Well, a question naturally arises:
When it’s necessary to replace a Mattress?
The National Sleep Foundation estimates the hours of rest needed by an adult person are roughly 7 to 9 per night which leads to an impressive result when multiplied by the 365 days of the year: it seems one spends 25 years in the arms of Morpheus over a lifetime.
Of course, sleep performs a vital function for the body, allowing the muscles and brain to relax and prepare for the next day.
Despite the prominence of this topic, a large number of Italians claim to suffer with insomnia or sleeping disorders that can lead to critical health problems. The solution could be to replace the mattress, which has become too old or inappropriate.
Resting on a support that suits your body is essential to enjoy high-quality sleep: in fact, supports that are excessively soft or too rigid can become a threat to your health, causing back pain and making peripheral circulation challenging.
There are several factors that can tell us the mattress’ status and suggest when it’s time to replace it.
Let's find out some of them in the list below:
Types of mattresses
Innerspring mattresses lasts 5 to 8 years, at which point you should begin shopping for a new bed. A memory foam mattress will show signs of wear in 8 to 10 years. Otherwise, synthetic latex lasts up to 8 years.
Hygiene, Allergies or Asthma
A mattress used for 7-8 years has about 2 million mites and bacteria. In the same amount of time the mattress collects more than 200 g of dust.
Mechanical requirements can be unaffected by a long-term use, but hygienic requirements are absolutely lost.
Here's why it's important to replace a old mattress with a new one.
Every night, human body loses half a liter of sweat which settles in the inner layers of the mattress. In addition, humidity and warmth released by the body on night time rest damage can be harmful for the mattress too.
Although companies have developed the latest technical solutions and materials to eliminate much of this excess moisture, a small amount still remains inside the mattress. Thus, the thermo-hygrometric stress of the mattress is equally recorded.
Not only that, the conditions present in the home environment also interfere with the health and longevity of our mattress: the humid heat of sultry and rainy days, n rainy days, and the heat released by heating systems when it is cold, play a decisive role. All these factors produce the moisture that damages the materials of which the mattress is made, compromising its performance in terms of comfort and creating in the inner layers the ideal habitat for the proliferation of mites and bacteria.
Moreover, the conditions in our home environment also affect the health and longevity of our mattress. Humid heat on muggy and rainy days, and the heat released by heating systems play a key role.
Mattress caring procedures are essential.
To ensure proper hygiene and cleanliness of the mattress and not compromise the quality of its composition materials, it is recommended to:
- Keep pets away: dogs and cats are a source of mites and germs that are absorbed by the mattress and can cause major allergic reactions;
- Airing out the room every morning after waking up
- Avoid wetting the mattress
- Rotate the mattress for seasonal change
- Use proper support: a slatted base has advantages for the health of your back, but also for the mattress by ensuring proper ventilation.
- Do not jump on the mattress
If you see dips in the mattress’ surface right under your body shape there’s no so much you can do, it may be time to buy a replacement. Regardless of the type of material, this kind of deflection inevitably occurs on any sort of long-term sleeping device.
Aches & Pains
A mattress which fails to properly support the spine should be replaced. If your back is not well supported during bedtime, the occurrence of lower back or neck pain is very common.
Early morning acute back pain is often an indicative of a loose mattress. On the other hand, a too stiff structure doesn’t allow the spine to alligna properly.
Weight fluctuation
Heavy weight fluctuations - gaining it or losing it - may alter the structure of the mattress. Intense variations in body weight significantly affect the wear and tear on our device and can make it inefficient for restful sleep. Heavier sleepers will find that mattresses may sag quicker, while lightweight sleepers will have less of an impact. That’s why, for instance, when a person gains or loses a lot of weight, it’s recommended to change the mattress.

So, can you really tell you had a good night's rest?
Replace your mattress on a regular basis is essential in order to prevent the occurrence of aches and pain. Remember you’ll spend about a third of your life in bed and getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to better health. Buying a quality mattress is a truly good investment, not only it’s going to last a long time but it will also improve the quality of your sleep and your wellbeing.
Dreamly: a brand by Elettroidea & MEF
Via dell’Industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-mail: info@dreamlydesign.com
Elettroidea s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com
MEF s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 35
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com