Memory Foam: Innovation, comfort and freshness for your sleep
Unlike traditional materials, memory foam is highly breathable and provides a cool feeling along
with complete ergonomic comfort.
What material is it made of?
It is a dense polyurethane-based foam to which substances are added to alter its density. Nothing
particularly complex, but it is an extraordinary invention that has changed the way so many
people sleep.
The material has this name because it is as if it has a memory: that is, it can remember the deformations it receives for a few seconds. You can directly try this little experiment on any memory foam layer: rest your hand on it, put some pressure on it, and lift it up. You will see that its imprint is left, which will remain imprinted for a few seconds. The layer will then slowly return to its initial state.
The reason for the enormous success that memory foam has enjoyed in recent years is
undoubtedly to be found in its excellent properties of resilience, viscosity and elasticity. In fact,
thanks to these characteristics, the experience of comfort and pleasantness that it is currently
able to offer is far superior to that offered by any other product or material. The ability to gently
wrap and mold its structure exactly to the shape and position of the weight it is subjected to
means offering a product capable of providing during the hours of sleep always the right support
to every single part of the body.
Another key feature of memory, which provides additional comfort, is the thermosensitivity with
which it is endowed, that is, the ability to change its stiffness and shape its structure also
according to the heat given off by the body with which it comes into contact. This, in addition to
providing additional ability to adapt perfectly to the host form, also gives the person a feeling of
warmth, which is generally very pleasant especially in cold seasons.
Discover our variety of Memory mattresses!
Download our catalog to discover the entire collection: bit.ly/Dreamly_materassi
Dreamly: a brand by Elettroidea & MEF
Via dell’Industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-mail: info@dreamlydesign.com
Elettroidea s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com
MEF s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 35
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com