Springtime insomnia: the hidden sides of fine season!
Spring is a much-awaited season to leave the bleak winter behind, yet it brings with it many 'undesirable' effects that can significantly change our daily habits and affect our psycho-physical well-being.
Has it ever happened to you?
You’re very sleepy during the day and once you get to bed in the evening, you cannot sleep well. You are more tired than usual, feel less energy and feel rather irritable. Don't worry, you are not alone!
Seasonal changes, such as the arrival of spring, can be the cause of all these symptoms. It is scientifically proven that sleep disorders are more pronounced in the spring period.
Longer daylight hours, abrupt changes in temperature and seasonal allergies can cause sudden awakenings at night and constant fatigue.
Poetically described as the season of love, weddings and country outings, spring, however, also hides pitfalls. Those who are more inclined to anxiety disorders or stress may find it more difficult to fall asleep during this period!
• That’s why:
Transition between winter and spring, the organism is invited to leave the typical numbness of the colder season, thanks specifically to the lengthening of the days and the change of climate. In winter, the rhythms are slower and moderate activities take place: staying at home in peace and quiet is preferred. New habits and the consequent change in sleep-wake rhythms can cause the characteristic feeling of drowsiness that strikes many people as the warm season sets in.
Therefore, spring not only represents a new beginning for nature but also for our organism!
• What can we do?
- Listen to your body, indulge your need for rest and slower rhythms as much as possible, but don't give up some healthy physical activity to reawaken your body, favour outdoor walks and low-intensity exercise.
- Avoid reacting to excessive fatigue by increasing your intake of stimulants such as caffeine, theine or alcohol.
- Try to maintain a regular rhythm by always going to bed, and waking up, at the same time. In this way your body will adapt faster to the new rhythms.
- Fighting stress: it is the ideal opportunity to try yoga or meditation, but even just dedicating some time to yourself can greatly help the overall relaxation of your body.
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